Merge Sort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It splits the input array into 2 and calls itself recursively, then merges the 2 sorted halves. The Recursive calls and merging of sorted arrays are made in the merge function, sorting of arrays is done by the function mergeSort.
function mergesort(arr,start,mid,end) { let n1 = mid - start + 1; let n2 = end - mid; let l = []; let r = []; for(let i = 0; i < n1; i++) l[i] = arr[start+i]; for(let i = 0; i < n2; i++) r[i] = arr[mid + 1 + i]; let i = 0,j = 0,k = start; while(i < n1 && j < n2) { if(l[i] > r[j]) { arr[k++] = r[j++]; } else (l[i] <= r[j]){ arr[k++] = l[i++]; } } while(i < n1){ arr[k++] = l[i++]; } while(j < n2){ arr[k++] = r[j++]; } return; } function merge(arr,start,end) { if(start < end) { let mid = Math.floor((start+end)/2); merge(arr,start,mid); merge(arr,mid+1,end); mergesort(arr,start,mid,end); return; } else return; } function mergeMain(arr){ var start = 0; var end = arr.length -1; merge(arr, start, end); return arr; }
Best Case : Ω (n log(n))
Average Case : θ (n log(n))
Worst Case: O (n log(n))
** where n is the length of the array