Sorting Analysis

Sorting Algorithm

       Sorting Algorithm is to sort/arrange a list of elements in an order(ascending/descending) using specific operations.

      The following are the sorting methods we have learnt and analyzed in this project, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Quick3 Sort, Heap Sort, Shell Sort, Count Sort and Radix Sort.

To try sorting Click here !

       Sorting analysis compares many sorting algorithm accross different data types(Integer, Float, Character, String, DateTime) with Random array, Reverse array, nearly sorted array and duplicate array as input. There is an option to visualize the input / output by clicking visualize button next to them (picture attached below).

Number of comparisons, number of swaps, and time taken to sort for 20 random numbers are represented graphically(as shown below). The graph and tabular data gets updated upon switching to reverse array, nearly sorted array and duplicate array.

Below table shows the number of swaps , number of comparisons and the time taken to sort a given array for different sorting methods.There is a link available to learn more about each sorting algorithm(as shown in the picture)

The input data can be modified in the input form (picture attached)